Perspectives for social progress

Social investments have multiple benefits
10,00 EUR
inkl. MwSt
Lieferzeit 2-4 Werktage
  • Verlag: ÖGB-Verlag
  • 30.07.2015
  • Buch + E-Book
  • 84 Seiten
  • kartoniert
  • ISBN: 978-3-99046-155-6
  • Buchtitel: Perspectives for social progress
  • Untertitel: Social investments have multiple benefits
  • ISBN: 978-3-99046-155-6
  • Verlag: ÖGB-Verlag
  • Produktart: Buch + E-Book
  • Seiten: 84
  • Erscheinung: 30.07.2015
  • Einband: kartoniert
  • Reihe (Titel): Sozialpolitik in Diskussion
  • Bandnummer: 16
  • Auflage: 1. Auflage
Austerity measures have not only put social cohesion at immense risk but also restrained the growth dynamic in Europe and massively shaken the confidence of citizens in reliable institutions. In any case, it is undisputed that inaction and therefore acceptance of the continuing Existence of problems is a very expensive option, associated with massive costs for the individual and society. Deciding to do nothing in case of doubt can relieve the burden in the moment, but can have (un)intended effects.
This publication demonstrates the social and economic significance and necessity of social investments using several examples, as welfare policy influences the economic performance of a country through several mechanisms having positive multiple dividends. On the one hand, they can stabilize consumption and hence the economy (e.g. retirement and unemployment benefits), on the other hand, they can be seen as investments which make a positive contribution to growth and budgets in the medium and long term (e.g. health and education expenses).
Calculations by the Chamber of Labour – the first of their kind in Austria – on potential effects of planned investments in the area of all-day schools clearly show that expanding all-day schools benefits budgets in the medium term. Simulations also show that the costs of more and better childcare will be at least neutralized – through additional revenue (contributions from employment and reduced expenditure on unemployment)– after just four years.
Adi Buxbaum is an expert in the Department of Social Policy at the Vienna Chamber of Labour.

Ulrike Famira-Mühlberger is a research staff member at the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO).

Silvia Hofbauer is an expert in the Department of Labour Market and Integration of the Vienna Chamber of Labour.

Kurt Kremzar is an expert in the Department of Educational Policy of the Vienna Chamber of Labour.

Edith Kugi-Mazza is Director of the Department of Apprentice and Youth Protection at the Vienna Chamber of Labour.

Sybille Pirklbauer is an expert in the Department of Women and Family at the Vienna Chamber of Labour.

Olivia Rauscher is project manager and senior researcher at the Competence Center for Nonprofit Organizations at Vienna University of Economics and Business.

Lisa Sinowatz is an expert in the Department of Apprentice and Youth Protection of the Vienna Chamber of Labour.

Christian Schober is director and senior researcher at the Competence Center for Nonprofit Organizations at Vienna University of Economics and Business.

Erik Türk is an senior expert in the Department of Social Policy of the Vienna Chamber of Labour.

Josef Wöss is Director of the Department of Social Policy at the Vienna Chamber of Labour.


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